What to expect during your first SUITED session.


We recommend you drink at least 500ml of water and avoid eating 2 to 3 hours prior to your initial session.

Although our typical session will last 30 minutes from start to finish, your first session will be closer to 1 hour. 


Simply because we want to get to know you a little better, and make sure we take an approach that is SUITED for you. 

We will chat about your lifestyle,overall physical condition and of course, your fitness goals.

You will then be provided with special EMS under-layers for you to change into. Made of stretch cotton, they will be worn under the suit to ensure you receive stimulation to all of your individual muscle groups. While you change, your certified instructor will prepare your suit by spraying all the electrodes that will come in contact with you with warm water. The water is to allow pulses to pass through, helping recruit more muscle fibers. No water. No activation.




It's time to get SUITED.

Don’t worry, the instructor will size you and assist you with putting the suit on. Boom. And just like that you look like a boss.

The real fun can begin. Your trainer will go through what we call the “calibration”. It’s a fancy way to say “your settings”. We set the intensity of the pulses of each pad to a level that is SUITED for you. You get to help us set it up. Wondering how you will know if the intensity is right? No sweat. We give you a few pointers to ensure you know what you are looking for in terms of feeling. 

Will it hurt? No. It is completely painless, just a little unusual at first. You will quickly get to love the feeling and look forward to that muscle tightening sensation.




Once your suit is calibrated,

it is time to start your workout. Your instructor will guide you and demonstrate a variety of exercises that are SUITED for your goals. Your efforts will be structured around intervals which means that you will receive pulses for 6 seconds while executing a simple movement followed by 4 seconds of rest. While you are performing each exercise, your instructor will adjust the intensity of the electrodes to optimize contraction of each muscle.

20 minutes will fly by. At the end of your session, the instructor will help you remove the suit. And voila; your first SUITED session is done! Go ahead. Check yourself in the mirror. You can expect an immediate toning and lifting effect. We do recommend however one session a week for 3 weeks for lasting results and noticeable changes in the way your clothes fit!